Intellectual Abuse
Busted Paradigms: Why Education Doesn’t Work

There is growing evidence that our brightest students don’t remember the most basic things they have studied, and that they are disconnected from the most general current events. When these ideas emerge, many people complain that schools, students, and parents aren’t doing their jobs.
What if they are doing their jobs?
Scientific Fundamentalism

It is interesting that scientists rail against Christian fundamentalists, because so many scientists are equally fundamentalist about their own disciplines. Let us begin with examples, data; let us use science against the scientist. I have previously mentioned Bernard Barber’s paper, ‘Resistance by Scientists to Scientific Discovery‘, and Thomas Kuhn’s slender but essential – and largely … [Read more…]
Education vs Training

Workforce development is a big buzzword in education. We should, business and government leaders insist, invest education dollars in training workers for the marketplace, so that they may grow our economy, our nation, and our way of life. Oh, and also grow their pocketbooks. It’s no coincidence that many proponents of workforce development are executives. … [Read more…]