1. Durl

    Sadly, many ADULTS do not want to learn. They believe that once they are out of school, they don’t need to learn anything else. That strategy may have worked 100 years ago, but it certainly does not work today.

    One of my favorite moments in college occurred when I was a second semester freshman. The professor arrived just before the class bell rang, and everyone was chatting back and forth. Near the front, one guy said to his friend “This is my last semester. Once I get my degree, I won’t ever have to crack open another book.”. The professor looked up when he heard this, and waited for the bell.

    Once the bell rang, he mentioned the comment he had heard (but he did not single out the individual). He stated that he’d heard this before, and on too many occasions. He then said:

    “Ladies and gentlemen, the diploma you get from this university is not the end of your learning. It’s just the beginning. It’s your license to learn.”

    I’ve repeated this to many people, especially those who have resisted learning something new that would be useful to them.

    • Bookscrounger

      You are, of course, right. But my concern is that at some level you knew that already; and probably the reason you remembered it is that it resonated. According to Pew, only 3/4 of US adults have read a book in the past year (that seems high to me). Just over half have read nonfiction, and of those I wonder how many are nonpartisan books on current events, or non-military histories? (Military histories are fine, but they don’t typically give the readers deep questions to think about.)

      But either way, it’s the parents’ fault that we aren’t curious as adults, the parents and the schools…

    • Eddie Cazayoux

      One of the main things you should learn in college is how to learn. Education is lifelong learning. Turning information into knowledge.

  2. Ron

    Children learn in different ways. Reading information compared to listening to information. Visualizing compared to acting out subjects. History recreated in the classroom compared to lectures and discussions. Individual compared to teams or groups of kids working on a subject. Books compared to computers. Games compared to….You get the point.

    For the most part, it is not the schools fault that some kids do not learn as quickly as some others. In many cases federal and state mandates that require certain regulations and outcomes create an atmosphere where teachers can not judge their students and design study material and learning processes to fit their classroom needs. One only needs to look at the decline in educational results and overlay that decline on the increasing intrusion on local schools by state and federal standards to find how they relate.

    And one may also overlay the declining number of households where one parent did not work to this same decline in student achievement. When parents make the choice to not spend the required amount of time with their children to insure they are reading a certain amount of time each night once they begin reading and do not continue to monitor their children’s progress, education also declines.

    And finally, when education develops “new and improved” methods (such as the change in the way to calculate mathematical problems), parents do not have clue as to what the kids are learning, so they are unable to help even if they wanted.

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