1. Durl

    Another issue in education is the ever increasing number of administrators as compared to the number of people actually doing the teaching. More needs to be spent in the classroom, and not on pencil pushers in administrative offices.

    In 1950, teachers comprised 70.2% of total school staff. By 1970, that had dropped about 10%. By 1980, another ~10%. It’s remained just barely above 50% since then. (Source: http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2012/10/how-escalating-education-spending-is-killing-crucial-reform )

    • Bookscrounger

      Agreed, but it seems to happens everywhere. As organizations grow bigger, bureaucracy grows faster. The interesting thing is, probably some of that bureaucracy is helpful; you worked for a major international corporation, so you know that along with the knucklehead managers & martinets were researchers and analysts and strategists and even clerical workers who allowed the company to become more efficient and competitive.

      So what I find intellectually interesting, is how do we know when the bureaucracy is too much? Where’s the balance point? And in government, how do we ever reduce a large bureaucracy once it is in place?

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