1. Vaughan Simpson

    So true. And your children are still small. Wait until they’re older, and have minds of their own! You only think they do now! Children teach you sometimes painfully what love and commitment are all about. Sadly, too many parents fail to learn and set up lasting legacies of hurt and disappointment. Loving means just what you said: fixing that flat tire even when you’re angry. Nice analogy.

    • Bookscrounger

      I like the comment, ‘Sometimes being a parent is like sitting in a crowded theater screaming, “Don’t go down in the basement!!”‘

  2. George

    Since I’m the last bleeding heart liberal in this great state. I beleive love is both emotion and commitment.

    Yours truly

    • Bookscrounger

      Emotion is definitely involved, but the emotions change.

      If the commitment isn’t constant & permanent, it isn’t really love, is it?

  3. Eddie Cazayoux

    Vaughan is right Joe “Wait until they’re older, and have minds of their own! ” Thats when true love shows it’s face. And you are right Joe in that you have to have faith with that commitment. Faith is what helps you through any tough times.

  4. Jackie Melancon

    Ditto Vaughan’s comments. This is just wanted I needed to read! Sometimes loving your children means tough love. Love doesn’t always mean giving children what they want or rescuing them every time they fail. Sometimes being a parent means supporting them in their choices and helping them work through the consequences of their choices.

    • Bookscrounger

      I think one of the hard things is watching them struggle, and not taking it out on yourself, and not second-guessing your parenting. We raised them to think for themselves and make their own choices, and then we balk when they do exactly that…

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