Joseph N. Abraham speaks about his upcoming book, Kings, Conquerors, Psychopaths: From Alexander to Hitler to the Corporation. This talk was given at the 2018 GPGC Reunion at McNeese State University.
This is my first public appearance explaining my book. (My only previous appearance was a podcast.) It is for the 60th reunion of a summer enrichment program that McNeese hosts; former students include Tony Kushner and Harry Connick Jr.
The talk is 30 minutes long, and is a quick overview of the book.
In the talk, I give a quick overview of these themes:
- The horrors of conquest, and the vicious inhumanity of the ‘great’ conquerors.
- How conquerors meet the criteria for the worse criminals, those who meet the psychiatric classifications of the Dark Triad, the Dark Tetrad, and even the Dark Pentad.
- The role of both genetics and culture in the behavior of the conqueror; in our willingness to blindly follow him; in our vulnerability to believing even his most outrageous lies; and how this explains the Cult of Personality.
- How genius and progress emerge spontaneously when we get rid of the bullies, i.e., the king, the conqueror, and the nobles.
- How the kings of old have morphed into the modern bureaucrat and business executive, and how they are still willing to sacrifice our lives for their narcissism.
The talk was given July 21, 2018. Click to learn more about Joseph N. Abraham MD.
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