Odds & Ends
Orphaned Thoughts
Happily Ever After

We are often hurt by those people and things we care about most, and confused about why they cause us so much pain. I see this in the ER with patients, co-workers, and everyone. I also see it in the democracy, in education and in my own life. Love is a good thing. Love should … [Read more…]
Economics Isn’t

Economics has long been called ‘the dismal science.’ I question whether it is truly a science. That’s not a knock on economics, but on science. Science often takes on a fundamentalist approach, one which assumes that reality – and therefore Truth – must be universal, it must be valid at all times, and to all observers. When … [Read more…]
A Sunday School Story

Despite my mildly Semitic last name, my paternal grandparents were Greek Orthodox immigrants from Syria (we have since moved up to become Lebanese parvenus). My father ‘got religion’ after had he established the family business and married my mother, and in his 30’s went to college and became an Episcopal priest. ‘Father Abraham’ no less. … [Read more…]